DVV clarification

Extended Profiles  
1.1   Number of Student on Roll Yearwise   View File  
1.2 Number of Seat Sanctioned Yearwise View File  
1.3 Number of Seats Reserve Category View File  
1.4 Number of Outgoing Student Final Year View File  
1.5 Number of Graduating Students Yearwise View File  
1.6 Number of Student Enrolled Yearwise View File  
2.1  Number of Full Teachers Yearwise   View File  
2.2  Number of Sanctioned Posts University   View File  
3.1  Total Expenditure Excluding Salary  View File  
3.2  Number of Computer in the Institution  View File  
Criterion I : Curricular Aspects  
1.1.2 .    House Curriculum Planning  View File  
1.1.3 .    Page on Website PLO and CLO   View File  
1.2.1 .    Academic Callendar   View File  
1.4.1  Sample Feedback form of the Stakeholder   View File  
1.4.2  Stakeholder Feedback Analysis Report  View File  
Criterion II : Teaching - Learning and Evaluation  
2.1.1    Document Relating to Sanctioned Intake From University/NCTE  View File  
2.1.2   Government Indicating the Reserve Category Broucher  and final Admission List View File  
2.1.3  Cetificate of EWS and Divyanjan Students Enrolled List  View File  
2.2.2  Student Diverisities Report  View File  
2.2.3  Different Student Needs Report  View File  
2.2.4  Activity to Address the Differential Student Needs  View File  
2.3.2  Link To LMS  View File  
2.3.3  List of Student Using ICT Support System  View File  
2.3.4  Report to Substantial the Use of ICT by Student in Various Learning Situation  View File  
2.3.6  Student Activities Conducting Relating to Recent Development in Education  View File  
2.1.4  Institution Provide Opportunities for Developing Competencies and Skill  View File  
2.4.2  Attendance Sheet of the Workshop  View File  
2.4.3  Activity carried out During the Last Completed Academic Year  View File  
2.4.4  Student Inducted Assessment Tool  View File  
2.4.5  Student for Effective Use of ICT for Teaching Learning Process  View File  
2.4.6  Student Development Competency  View File  
2.4.7  Variety of Assessment Programme  View File  
2.4.9  Schedule of Work of School Internship  View File  
2.4.10  Schoolwise Internship Report   View File  
2.4.12  Performance of Student During the Internship Programme   View File  
2.4.13  Comprehensive Appraisal of Interns   View File  
2.5.1 Sanctioned Letter Indicating Number of Posts   View File  
2.5.2 Certificate of Doctor Degree   View File  
2.5.3 Appointment Letter of the Full Time Teachers   View File  
2.6.2 Copy of University Regulation on Internal Evaluation for Teacher Education   View File  
2.7.2 Average Pass Percentage of Students List   View File  
2.7.4 Internal Assessment of Student for the Last Completed Academic Year  View File  
Criterion III : Research, Innovations and Extension  
3.2.1    Page of the Article Journals  View File  
3.2.2   First Page of Published Book Chapter  View File  
3.3.1   Outreach Activity  View File  
3.3.2   Eventwise Newspaper Clippings  View File  
3.3.3   Documentary Evidence In Support of the Claim  View File  
3.3.5   Certificate from the Awarding Agency  View File  
3.4.1   List of Teacher Student Benefited by Linkages  View File  
3.4.2  MOU's  View File  
3.4.3  Linkages with School and Other Educational Agencies  View File  
Criterion IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources  
4.1.2    Photo of Classroom and Seminar Hall  View File  
4.1.3  Income and Expenditure Statement on Infrastructure Augumentation   View File  
4.2.3  Receipt of E-Resource Membership  View File  
4.2.4  Number of Teacher and Student Using Library  View File  
4.2.5  Income and Expenditure Statement Purchase of Book E-resource  View File  
4.2.6  Teacher Recommendation Books   View File  
4.3.2  Copy of Stock Register Receipt  View File  
4.3.3  Copy of Internet Bandwidth Bill  View File  
4.3.4  E-Content Development Link  View File  
4.4.4  Copy of Income and Expenditure Exclusively on Maintenance  View File  
Criterion V : Student Support and Progression  
5.1.1    Skill Enhancement Initiative   View File  
5.1.2   Student Support Facility in the Institution   View File  
5.1.3   Instituitional Guidelines for Student Grievances   View File  
5.1.4  Income and Expenditure Statement of Approval Letters  View File  
5.2.1  Annual Report of Placement Cell  View File  
5.2.2  Graduating Student and Their Progression List  View File  
5.2.3  Certificate for Qualifying in the State National Examinaition  View File  
5.3.2  Report of the Event alongwith the Photograph  View File  
5.4.2  Documentary Evidence of the Selected Claim provide Income and Expenditure  View File  
5.4.3  Minutes of the Meeting of ALUMNI Association  View File  
Criterion VI : Governance, Leadership and Management  
6.2.3     Implementation of E-Governance  View File  
6.3.2   Financial Support to the Teacher  View File  
6.3.4  Copy of The Course Completion Certificate  View File  
6.5.3   Report of Work Done by IQACn  View File  
6.5.4   Report of Academic Administrative Audit  View File  
Criterion VII : Institutional Values and Best Practices  
7.1.6     The Institution has Facilities and Initiatives  View File  
7.1.7   Energy Green Practices  View File  
7.1.9   Code of Conduct for Student Teacher Administrator and Other Staff   View File